Sell Your Boise Idaho Home or Investment Real Estate Without Having Equity
On average a traditional sale can take between three and four months to complete. That’s including seller motivation, experienced marketing, and frequent open houses. All-in-all it’s a big commitment. Patience is a virtue but sometimes it’s also a luxury we can’t afford. There are safe alternatives. When you want to sell your home now—and avoid the hassles of more traditional channels—our professionals can help you today.
A real estate short sale enables home owners who are behind in their payments to sell their home and can save their credit when compared with a foreclosure. A short sale occurs when a lender agrees to accept less than the loan balance owed on your home as payment in full. You may be wondering why they would do this.
In truth, banks aren’t looking to own homes. Banks are in the business of lending money, NOT owning real estate. Should you not complete a short sale, the banks would be in the “real estate” business and they don’t want that.
Should you fall behind on payments and the lender is required to pursue foreclosure, there are many steps that must be completed. Among other tasks, your lender would be responsible for selling your home at auction to the highest bidder. But, if they don’t receive an offer, the home becomes property of the bank—otherwise known as real estate owned property. And until the home sells, the bank is losing more money. It’s a hassle for everyone! A short sale is a quick and secure way to avoid foreclosure and sell your home fast.
Our job is to connect you with reliable buyers as quickly as possible. Then, with money in hand, you can pay off your defaulted mortgage, stop the bank calls and harassing letters. In general, a short sale takes considerably less time than a traditional listing because we can market your home more aggressively.
We invite you to call or email us for a free consultation. Call us today at 208 939 9033.

Michael Hon
CEO, The Iron Eagle Realty Team
Associate Broker, Market Pro
Certified Short Sale Specialist®
Investment Property Consultant
Direct: 208.919.0458 Office: 208.939.9033 Fax 208.514.1422
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